Sunday, December 31, 2006

The New Year is Here!

Happy New Year Everyone! If you are like me, this time of year always carries a lot of memories, poignant and strong, that seem to swirl around in my head and heart, making me love and appreciate everything I have in life. Have you stopped and considered everything that has been so much a part of your life this year? Have you realized what has molded you into who you are from experiences you have grown from this past year? Has this year held significance in your life? Will you remember this year for something special or something sad? Does the new year bring new hope to you? Is your life changed by the passing of this year? Do you wish that you could change things or do them over again? Have you said everything that you wanted to? Have you regretted not saying the things you wanted? Have you regretted saying the things you did? Did you go after your dreams? Did you stay up late enjoying friends and family? Did you bond closer to people than you ever thought you could? Were your perspectives changed about people and their human nature? Did you sit close to the ones you loved and enjoy their conversation that left you thinking about it for days? Did you get reaquainted with ones you missed? Did you get to meet someone new, someone that will always be a part of your life? Did you say goodbye to someone you love deeply, waiting for their return? All of these things and more have happened to each of us and they are more significant than we sometimes ever really consider them to be. How will you change in this next year? Will you say what you want to, will you rekindle old friendships or make new ones? What will your focus be and will you live great memories like the past year has given you? I hope that this new year brings you all that you had this past year and more!


Sam said...

My goals for the new year are to love you more deeply, hold you tighter, kiss you longer, listen to you better, acknowledge you more, and above all, grow closer to you than i ever have before. I am so glad that we have spent the last 11 years together and I promise to try hard to make this your best year ever. I love you Laura!

Andrew said...

Well I can't top what sam said...........

Sam said...

If you did I'd be worried.