Sunday, January 14, 2007

Three Things...

Three Things:
...that scare me: the dark(ever since I was a kid), letting someone else take care of me, losing friends
....people that make me laugh: Tony Stark(you know who you are), B-Rad, Sammy-T
....I love: my bestest friends, my husband, great music
....I hate: getting old, HOT weather, migraines
....I don't understand: how the human mind thinks, how plants grow with only water and sun, rude people who can never see their faults or refuse to at least
....on my desk: managers notes, chocolate, tag guns to date product
....I'm doing right now: sitting drinking coffee at starbucks, watching my husband read the newspaper, restlessly rocking my catywampus chair back and forth after drinking the starbucks
....I want to do before I die: go to Africa, together with someone lead them to the Lord, have some sweet dreadlocks in my hair
....I can do well: do a kickass Axl Rose impression, harvest and store the garden that my husband and I so diligently tended, get lost playing a RPG video game for hours should always listen to: the Lord, your parents, your friends(they only mean the best for you if they truly are your friends) should never listen to: those that say you can't do what you want, Satan, heavy metal music with whining guitar
....I'd like to learn how to do: yoga, keep in touch with my friends better, heal people with natural methods
....favorite foods: tasty CHEESE, oranges, bread
....beverages I drink regularly: water, coffee, beer
...TV shows I watched as a kid: Fraggle Rock, 3-2-1 Contact, Dukes of Hazzard
....books I read as a kid: Anne of Green Gables series, Little House on the Prairie series, choose your own adventure books
....bloggers to tag: All my friends are tagged(YOU'RE IT!) Tag yourself baby!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I am gonna have to see that impression!