Tuesday, March 13, 2007

After Midterms

I have found that yet again I am in the swing of things at college. I have 3 huge exams next week, all of which are going to take all of the brain power that I have. Microbiology is all about bacteria,the microscopic things that control the world. We talk about how our bodies convert energy, germs, chemistry, the earth, and everything in between. It covers so much information that it is almost overwhelming to deal with. Plus the fact that it is a 3 hour class only 1 day of the week is frustrating. I hate to talk to my professor over the internet. Next time I have a major science class I will opt for taking it 2 days a week even if that means more driving back and forth and less time at work.

My Human Growth and Development class is put on by the nursing coordinator of the Salem Kent State. She is a little italian woman with a big attitude. She loves to talk and she is a huge encouragement to me, but she is very intimidating to be around too much. She warns of bad grades, inevitable failure and not getting into the nursing program to everyone she talks to. I think that she does it so our hopes don't get too far up and to let us see how hard it really is to be in the nursing program. The class isn't that hard, in fact she told everyone that they would be lucky getting C's and almost everyone got B's or higher on the first exam.

Nutrition is also a 3 hour class, one day a week. The professor,which I have yet to meet and will probably never meet, is online and teaching from the East Liverpool campus. A really funny professor he is scared of bad weather and he doesn't like to be on the campus after dark, so he always tries to end his lectures early. He covers alot of information about proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates in a little space of time so his tests are mostly memorization, which I stink at considering that the other 2 classes I mentioned are also mostly memorization of terms and definitions. So if you hear me mumbling something about the Krebs cycle, Moral Development, DNA transcription, or Calcium and how it builds strong bones, don't be alarmed, it's all stuff that I will forget once the exams are done:)


Kyle said...

I feel your pain, although I just finished my last midterm this morning. Hope you do well on all your exams.

Adrienne said...

It struck me as funny that your nutrition prof is scared of the dark...for some reason I felt the urge to let him know that he should, "Eat more red meat."

Good luck on those tests though!

Andrew said...

Hope all goes well.

lyndsay said...

praying for you miss laura sounds like the migrane of the decade but i also feel your pain the cramming thing makes me sick haha at least you have a bunch of people around you having the same headache or body ache at that hahahha