Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back To It

So...I am back in college for the 5th semester of my college existence. I was really worn out from the past semester, I just felt unmotivated to study and at the end of everything I felt poor about how much I didn't get done. Needless to say my grades showed that. Even through all of that I still managed to get my letter of acceptance into the nursing program that I am now in, starting this semester. During the summer I had to get a million shots, accredited in CPR, physical exam, fingerprinted for a background check, endless trips to the post office and hospital, etc. all within 1 1/2 months.

I thought that taking the summer off would get me motivated for the next phase of my schooling. I am so excited to one day be a nurse, I have wanted to be one ever since I could remember. I just want to be there doing it. But I have found that I am having a really hard time getting my head into this whole school thing. I feel as if I am not good enough to be going through this right now. I need to concentrate and feel strongly about the work I am doing, but it all feels kinda boring and mundane. Does everyone get this bored with the routine of school at this point in the game? Or do I just need to crack down and get into it and excited about it again? I only say this to vent, you won't see me quitting or anything crazy, in fact you will probably see me studying and in the books more now than ever to get back the excitement that I once felt for this whole trip into nursing.


Kyle said...
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Kyle said...

... what I wrote didn't make sense at all, so I decided to try again...

I totally get what you're saying about school being boring and mundane despite your having been so excited about it before. Thats one of the reasons why I hate school.

However, Pittsburgh has taught me that busy is better. The other day I noticed that I was so busy with my internship, class, and the youth group that I'm going to have to start scheduling time to study. For some reason, studying has gotten so much more exciting. It's weird because I have less time to study, but get more done. I think its because when I have more time to study, I think of other things that I could be doing... things that are way less lame than studying, so reading or writing or whatever seems just that... LAME!!!
When I know I need to get it done, now, though, I don't think about the other things and end up more engaged, focused, and dare I say excited to be learning...

i can't believe i just said that...

I know you're a busy girl, so you probably don't have much time to study already, so my situation probably won't help you at all, but I thought I'd comment anyway.

Hope things get better for you

lyndsay said...

i think this happens for everyone in a lot more situations than we all think when you go through things for a long period of time they always get "old" and it's hard to remeber what got us so excited to begin with. For me it happens in all parts of my life most recently it's been music, i listen to it all the time my favorite bands, not so favorite bands, in the car, when i shower, when i study,even right now and lately i cannot listen to any music without skipping everying song sometimes i want to buy all new cds throw everything i have away, and then i think about my first concert or an amazing band i've seen in concert.... that feeling... that comes from no other place except for a live band flows back into my system and i go back to my normal music filled life i think we do need to refresh things and get excited about them again i'm praying for you Laura...get psyched!!
Kyle you are the smartest person alive miss you kiddo!

Laura said...

To Kyle and Lyndsay, I really appreciate the wisdom that you both shared with me from this blog. You definately helped me see where I am coming from and where I need to go with my whole thought processes and you helped me to become more motivated. We are all in this together and it helps to know that I have some awesome, incredibly smart friends who listen and understand where I am coming from. And to top it off are supporting me continuously! Thanks so much guys! Love you tons! -Laura

Andrew said...

Ok,,,this whole time I thought you were going to school to be a vet. let me down..........

lyndsay said...

We are all in this together! and now when anything gets tough i'll just think of you guys and you can think of me and we can all feel a little better i love you guys and miss you more than you know...

Andrew good one..NOT! you used this joke twice and you didn't even change the career...u need some new stuff man haha i love you