Thursday, October 04, 2007

50 posts on the wall

So, this is my 50th entry into this here blogger I call my home! I don't really have anything super thought provoking to put on here. I don't really ever have too much wisdom to write on these pages. Actually what I was going to write about is simplicity. These days I feel like I have so much going on that I can never really feel too much peace. I'm running here and there...I have all these things to do that even when I am sitting down I can't get my mind to calm down. I sit and all I can think about is the paper I have due next week or the menu that needs planned for the cafe, the person I need to call, or the thank you letter that I need to write, you know all that stuff.

I thought that when I got older I would have a better handle on keeping things simple. I thought that I would be able to order out everything that I needed to do with an iron fist. I thought that once I finished one project then I would be done with it. I realize now that there will always be another project, another goal, another finish line to always reach for. I've found that I keep taking on more things because I like to be busy and I always enjoy a good challenge. I hate being bored and I love to have 10 million things going on at once to keep me happy and excited about life.

But then there are the times when I just want to get rid of everything. Sell all the junk, get rid of the 50 t-shirts that I have in my dresser, throw away the cats, sell the house and get into a smaller one, stop all the little projects I have going and just live a simple, focused life with little worry or distraction. The things I would do each day would be clear to me and the routine that I pick up would pretty much be the same. I would stick with the things that I know work for me and I would be calm.

I'm not sure which one I like better, I guess that I have times of both and thats what I enjoy the most, I don't want to write out my life and know each step of the way, so I will take what I have and enjoy it as much as possible. Happy 50th reading!


HennHouse said...

Throw away the cats?! I hear you though--I feel similarly about the kids--sometimes I just want to freeze time and live in that moment--laughing with the kids, playing soccer in the yard, rolling Christmas cookies, or just eating dinner together. I love all the things we DO together, but I also love the things we DON'T do. Thank you for the thought-provoking post.

HennHouse said...

Ok, now I realize that the comment I just made may not have come out right. I don't mean that I want to throw away the kids... but that I want to slow down and enjoy every single short moment that I have with them. Sheesh.

Sam said...

Throw away the kids?!?! Yikes! :-)

Sam said...

Congrats on 50 posts. Quite the milestone.

I didn't leave a comment on this post before because I wasn't sure how I felt about it. You know I love you and support you in everything you do. And when I say everything, I mean all 800 things you immerse yourself in. Do I want you to slow down? Sometimes. Do I wish you would move out into the woods with me and leave all this craziness behind? Sometimes. Do I envy the time and energy you empty into all of your activities? Sometimes. But all of those things are what make you so special and awesome. They're what make you so intense and alive. I know it gets hard, and you really do need to slow down every once in a while. But whatever you do, and however you do it, I will always try to be your rock and your support. I love ya Ell.

Andrew said...

Thanks for the post. congrats on 50 posts. Awesome pictures too.

lyndsay said...

Laurrrrr i love this post i feel the same way it just seems like theres always 5 million steps to take to get to the one thing or place you actually want and its frustrating somedays i want to have a huge bonfire and throw everything in it and shave all my hair off and (okay thats a little extreme)and just start over fresh and simple but then other days i love running errands its a crazyy feeling but i guess those are the moments that keep us going, and that keep things exciting