Thursday, October 05, 2006

My new backpack

It seems that my dear husband finally found himself his ultimate backpack on E-bay that he's been wanting for years, he had this 50th anniversary Kelty backpack tagged for what was probably 2 years, and when it came out into the market years even before that, he wanted it then, but just didn't buy it for whatever reason. Anyways, when he was sent the e-mail that his backpack was up for auction, he immediately put a bid in. Every other time he was outbid in the first few days, but this time his low bid got him his dream pack. The U.S. postal service sent it to us a few days later and I've never seen him so happy as when he opened that package with his new backpack in it. He said that it was all of his birthdays and christmas's combined in to one. WOW! Maybe a little exaggerated, but that's the way he is, you have to know him. So, needless to say, I aquired his old backpack. It is new too, but it wasn't the one he really wanted in the first place but he got a great deal for it figuring that he wouldn't ever get his "dream" pack. It was his second option, thrown away for the beauty of another. Honestly though, I really like it. I can't wait to get out on the trail and give it it's first "trail" run. It is green(which is my favorite color) and it isn't as big as his new pack so that means that he will have to carry more of the weight when we are on the trail together. I sure am glad that he got his dream pack! I think I got mine too!


HennHouse said...

So is that photo of Sam's pack or yours? Either way, it is huge. Have fun!

Sam said...

That pack is mine. And yes it is huge. Perfect for the AT.